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건회포乾繪布, 56×56cm, acrylic on cloth, 1990
the odd nature-b, 141 × 72cm, acrylic on koreanpaper, 2003
the odd nature-b, 130.3 × 162cm, acrylic on canvas, 2006
the odd nature-b, 97 × 130.3cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
the odd nature-a, 141 × 72cm, acrylic on koreanpaper,2003
the odd nature-a, 130.3 × 162cm, acrylic on canvas 2006
the odd nature-a, 97 × 130.3cm, acrylic on canvas, 2010
the odd nature, 182 x 227cm, oil on canvas, 2010
the odd nature, 182 x 227cm, oil on canvas, 1999
the odd nature, 162 x 130cm, oil on canvas, 2010
the odd nature, 162 × 227.3cm, acrylic on canvas, 1998
the odd nature, 162 × 130.3cm, acrylic on canvas, 2006
the odd nature, 130.3 × 162cm, oil on canvas, 2004
the odd nature, 130.3 × 162cm, oil on canvas, 1997
the odd nature, 130.3 × 162cm, acrylic on canvas, 2014
the odd nature, 130.3 × 162cm, acrylic on canvas, 2008
the odd nature, 130.3 × 89.4cm, acrylic on canvas, 2014
the odd nature, 116.8 × 91cm, oil on canvas, 2003
the odd nature, 100 × 60cm, acrylic on paper, 2004
the odd nature, 97 x 130cm, oil on canvas, 2010
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